The Physio WF watch face displays the following information:
- Oxygen Saturation (SpO2 / Pulse Ox) – on watches with Pulse Oximeter available and measurements enabled. Displayed in Upper Left corner. Note: you can check here if your watch has SpO2 available on it.
- Daily distance covered (in km or miles, depending on watch Settings). Displayed in Upper Left corner.
The user can toggle between the above two by ‘double gesture’ (quick turn of the wrist twice). NOTE: ‘double gesture’ doesn’t reliably trigger the toggle on some Garmin devices, apparently due to a Garmin bug. In such a case the user can only use the Settings to change the data in the Upper Left corner. - Heart rate (HR). During High Power Mode, HR is displayed every second. During Low Power Mode, average HR is displayed. The user can choose the display frequency in Settings.
Thus, for example, if the user chooses to update the HR display every 2 seconds, then the average of the HR during those 2 seconds is displayed. Same for display of HR every 3 seconds, etc. - HR Zone. The user can choose to display the HR Zone the current HR is in. The HR Zones display is a bar of 5 cells, corresponding to the 5 HR Zones, from HR Zone 1 to HR Zone 5.
The HR Zone limits are set based on the Heart Rate Zones in User Settings of the Garmin Connect app on the phone.
Display frequency for HR Zone is the same as the one chosen for HR. - Calories. Resting and Active burning of calories for the current day are displayed in the top middle part of the display.
Resting means the amount of calories burned without any activity.
Active means the amount of calories burned as a result of activity. This is estimated from the HR. - Intensity minutes for the current day are displayed in the bottom middle part of the display. ‘Intensity minutes’ are minutes of Moderate or Vigorous activity.
Whether an Intensity minute is Moderate or Vigorous is determined by the HR Zone that the HR was in during that minute of activity.
Moderate and Vigorous intensity minutes are shown separately.
Intensity minutes are only added if there were at least 10 minutes continuous activity – either Moderate or Vigorous. - Seconds. The user can choose to display the seconds on the watch face.
- 12-or 24 hour display, using either the watch’s system setting or setting it explicitly.
- Battery power
Note: showing the Seconds, or the HR and HR Zone with a high frequency uses up battery faster.
Arc Displays
On both sides of the watch face there is an arc display. These serve as a display for data values, together with their corresponding targets or goals.
The target value is represented by a gray arc, and the current value is represented by an arc having the current base color of the watch face.
Currently, each of the ‘arcs’ can display one of two values.
The Left Arc
The Left Arc can display these values:
- Daily count of steps. Target is set on the Garmin Connect phone app.
- Intensity minutes for the current week and their weekly target. For comparing weekly Intensity minutes with their weekly target, Garmin suggests to use the number of the Moderate minutes plus twice the Vigorous minutes.
Thus, if there were 20 Moderate Intensity minutes and 10 Vigorous Intensity Minutes, then the Left Arc would show 40 Intensity Minutes.
Target for weekly Intensity Minutes is set on the Garmin Connect phone app.
Note: the Vigorous intensity minutes for the current day (described above) show the ‘raw’ value, i.e. the actual number of Vigorous minutes, without the doubling of the value – in contrast to the Intensity minutes in the Left Arc, which, as described above, includes twice the ‘raw’ Vigorous minutes.
The Right Arc
● Daily count of floors climbed. Target is set on the Garmin Connect phone app.
● Calories burned during the current day. This is the sum of ‘Resting’ and ‘Active’ calories burned. Target for the daily Calories burned is set by the user in the Settings of Physio WF.
The user can select in the Settings which value to display in the Left and Right Arcs.
For the Calories calculations to work, the user has to add gender, age, height and weight to his/her User Profile in Garmin Connect Mobile.
Note: it is possible to toggle between the two values of the Arcs on the watch itself, by ‘exit-and-back’: exiting from the watch face and coming back again, quickly.
The following Settings are currently available:
● Activation key
● 12- or 24 hours time display format
● Show leading zeros for hours in time display
● Show seconds
● Show heartrate zone (HRZ) data
● HR and HRZ update frequency
● Data in Upper Left corner
● Data on Left Arc
● Data in Right Arc
● Daily calories burned target (the other three targets are read from Garmin Connect)
● Color schemes (16 colors available)
● Enable ‘double gesture’, i.e. turning the wrist twice quickly, to bring the watch into High Power Mode twice (for toggling the content in Upper Left corner)
● ‘double gesture’ duration limit – if two consecutive gestures last longer than this, they won’t count as ‘double gesture’
● Enable ‘exit-and-back’, i.e. exiting the watch face (e.g. UP or DOWN) and coming back again quickly (for toggling content in Left and Right Arcs)
● ‘exit-and-back’ duration limit – if the ‘exit-and-back’ process lasts longer than this, it won’t be used for toggling content
As mentioned above, the user can change the data displayed in the Left and Right arcs both in the Settings and by ‘exit-and-back’.
Regarding duration limits for ‘exit-and-back’: they are necessary because the user wouldn’t want to change the data display of the ‘arcs’ every time, if, for example, he exited the Physio WF watch face to take a look at some notifications and then, after a while, came back to the Watch face again. Thus, the data display will change only if the user did this sufficiently fast.
Trial period and payment
The user can try out Physio WF for 90 minutes. During this time it is fully functional.
After the end of the trial period Physio WF is not usable any more, until the user enters the Activation key into the corresponding slot of the Settings. It will become immediately usable after the new Setting is sent to the watch.
The Activation key is sent by email, immediately upon payment of 1.19 US$ into Avoima Software’s PayPal account. The payment can be made here.
Bug reports and suggestions
Submit bug reports and suggestions for improvements here.
● The active Calories calculation uses equations created by the developers markdotai and topcaser.